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In November 2001, researchers in Melbourne, Australia conducted what the Herald .. By Verdier's account, the objective of the would-be “brainwasher” is to access ... Connerotte “became a national hero in August after saving two children from a. The BBC reported that when police checked into Louf 's claims, they were.
22 The children attended South Wellington Primary School and they found settling in .. and the familial bond with other children.39 The experiences of the Deckston. the children were deeply appreciative of Annie and Max's life-saving mitzvah. .. even in my career: in New Zealand, perhaps like in Australia, a lot of things.
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Aug 17, 2001. Gaithersburg, Maryland James S. Wefel, Ph.D. College of Dentistry University of Iowa. reduce dental caries while saving public and private resources and reducing .. Caries risk assessment is difficult because it attempts to account for the ... water fluoridation in 470 schools serving 170,000 children (39).
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Jun 10, 2011. Summing all cases, costs, savings and QALYs and consequently. have been published which predict a herd effect in unvaccinated children [39,40].. loss should be taken into account when the time of absence is short [41]. ... Black RE, Cousens S, Johnson HL, Lawn JE, Rudan I, Bassani DG, Jha P.
It would permit conduct inconsistent with the duty to nurture children.39 .. Caparo, however, has not been followed in Australia;50 accordingly. Option 4 offers the saving alternative of adhering to ordinary recovery .. Heydon J also criticised the Court of Appeal in Cattanach for taking insufficient account of this aspect (at.
Cost-effectiveness of rotavirus vaccination in the Netherlands; the.
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A Turn-up Down Under: McFarlane in the Light of Cattanach.

Dec 22, 2012. [see earlier accounts] .. the bearings of S. 56 degrees E. (S. 31 degrees E true) through south and west to N. .. with Lennard I lighthouse…; 18 – Bamfield life- saving crew's work appreciated…; .. Australia (5). Children (39).